
September 14, 2018 #1

Today, I went back through my google drive to find my ‘Who I am as a Writer.’ By this time it was only a year old, but the difference between my writing then and now is astounding. There was nothing interesting that could catch the eye of a reader, save one line comparing my ability to include transitions to the unsteady first steps of a toddler. This was eye opening, as I realized how far I have come as a writer, but it also revealed how far I have to go.


October 19, 2018 #3

I feel like the feedback I received on my How I Think I Think essay was more useful than I usually get. Most times I see grammar revisions or organizational tips, but this went beyond basic grammar and actually assisted me in the main idea of the piece.

In these comments, you pointed out that I had good base ideas but that there was lots of polishing to do such as changing the wording of “the midnight train going anywhere” into a train on a journey and the response to me relating momentum.

I am going to go back into my piece and edit some areas based on the feedback I received. I will do this by either trying to incorporate your ideas into my writing or make it more clear why I used certain phrases.


Grading Conference Reasoning

I believe that I deserve an A+ for my work in the last marking period because I have worked to make sure my work was all completed at a sufficient quality. I have done revisions on all of my work that received feedback or a non-perfect grade on, such as my WoW and the How I Think I Think piece. During this marking period I have read two books; Haroun and Trust Me I’m A Junior Doctor. Since I have maintained a 98.85% on HAC, been an involved and efficient member of classwork and class discussions, I have kept a maintained blog, I should get an A+.


Everything Is A Remix

I believe that the movie Haroun and the Sea of Stories has lots of parts in the story which refer to remixes. It introduces the plentimaw fish as creatures with many mouths capable of taking many different stories and excreting a new one as a combination of the old. This  is an example of a remix, which is defined as “combining or editing existing materials to create something new.” It also brings attention to remixes through the mention of the well of stories having fresh story streams that would go into the ocean and mix together, turning into something totally new. This statement is a justification for the different ways some stories are told, the most prominent examples being older folktales which have changed from their original version as time and location change.