Purpose Project Blog Post #8

As of May 3rd, I feel like I have gotten a lot done. I have done all the research that I required into the process of physical construction and the design on the cane. This design work would include the dimensions of the cane, the metal I need to work with (aluminum) and it’s preferred grade, and the methods of attaching the parts (drilling).





This part of the project went quite smoothly. However, now that I only have physical construction left to do, I am encountering roadblocks. Firstly, I need to find a supplier who will sell the correct length, diameter, and thickness (if possible) of aluminum tube for a fair price. Secondly, I want to have practice with bending aluminum before I try it on my tubing. Thirdly, I need to find a supplier for the cane head and rubber for the handle.


All in all, while I am happy with my progress, I would not be able to stop where I am, and it will take a great deal more effort to finish the project.

Purpose Project Blog #7-Feedback Synthesis

What Feedback Was I Given?

This week I presented my purpose project to two people and had one outside observer who agreed with the feedback given to me by one of the people I presented to. I was told that I needed to develop my intro and motivation for the project. They said that it was bland and that though they knew it was for my grandmother it didn’t allow for them to relate with me, the presenter. Another piece of advice that I was given was to elaborate more on how I was going to go about the physical construction of the cane.

Image result for build

How Will This Affect My Project?

Now that I have this feedback, I am going to focus far more on the physical construction and motivation for my project. To get more in depth with the physical construction aspect of my project I will do research on how to thread aluminum at home and see which machines I will need. If I find that I cannot do this threading procedure then I will see if any suppliers for aluminum will be able to sell pre-threaded tubes.

Image result for threaded aluminum tube

Where Am I?

Frankly, I believe that I am starting to fall behind. I am going to have to work hard to get ahead again. I will do research on the physical construction of the cane, try to find a supplier, and update my 3D model accordingly.

TKAM Blog Post #1

First Impressions

Image result for to kill a mockingbird

I really enjoyed the first twelve chapters of the book and I am looking forward to reading more. The way the book was written from Scout’s perspective looking back on her past makes for a much different experience as a reader and is unlike anything else I have read. I suppose that is why this story is read by so many people and taught in schools today. The story also has a very clear cut message it tries to address, namely racism. It makes us think about what we are doing to other people in a system influenced by racism because it forces many characters to justify their actions to Scout. Needless to say, most of these answers are along the lines of “that’s just the way it is.”


Image result for to kill a mockingbird Scout

Scouts character is very naive but smart at the same time. She doesn’t know much about things like racism or how to navigate a potentially dangerous or risky conversation, as you can see from her careless request to Aunt Alexandra to stay at Calpurnia’s house for a time She makes quite a few blunders and is quick to temper, but she starts to develop into a more knowledgeable and reasonable person as time goes by. This is seen when instead of Scout lashing out at Mrs. Dubose, it was instead Jem who broke first.


Important Quote

Image result for you dont know what you have till its gone

“Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One doesn’t love breathing.” -Scout

This quote is made after Scout’s teacher is telling her that she should stop having her father teach her how to read. It makes  Scout think that she will forget how to read until the third grade where it was taught as part of the Dewey Decimal system. This terrifies her because, although she had never previously treasured her ability to read and write, she uses it everyday as a necessary part of everyday life. Losing it would create great change for Scout, and people are often affected negatively by change, so the fact that it is threatened is enough to make her protect it no matter what. This leads to her deals with her father to make sure he would keep teaching her in return for her good behavior concerning the upcoming court case.

Literature Circle

Image result for literature circle

During our literature circles and Socratic seminar many things were discussed. We looked at Atticus’ hesitance to use a gun, the reasoning behind filling the tree with cement, and a possible metaphor/ foreshadowing for the court case. I wish to focus on what I talked about in the lit. circle, the metaphor for the trial. This is after the quote “To kill a Mockingbird is a sin,” as they do only good things for us. I thought that the book might be hinting at the Tom Robinson’s innocence by comparing him to a Mockingbird. This would also lead to a slight bit of foreshadowing, since the quote also talked about killing the Mockingbird. One way that the Mockingbird, Tom, could be killed is if the trial finds him guilty and he is sentenced to death. While this is only my theory, it would also fit in with the theme of racism since even the most innocent of people can be killed because of the word of a white person.


Predictions and Questions

Image result for thought bubble with question mark

  • Atticus Finch and Tom Robinson will lose the court trial
  • Boo Radley will make an appearance and become a major player later on
  • Scout will visit Calpurnia’s home against Aunt Alexandra’s orders
  • Will Calpurnia’s church play an important role in the near future?
  • Will Tom be found guilty, and if so what will the sentence be?
  • Will Boo Radley be sane if and when he finally leave the house?

Purpose Project Blog Post #7

This week I was able to get my required work done. I didn’t procrastinate like I had last week and I now have a 3D model of the cane I am to use. I created this model using google sketch-up and not the software on the 3D printer because the printer’s software is only able to draw things in a four inch cubed space. This would’ve made the process much harder as I would’ve had to scale down and scale back up when I start building the cane.

Image result for 4 cubed space

Next week I am going to see if I can get my hands on the materials I need to build the cane (namely aluminum and and required tools but it might change to wood If I cant find any) or if I can find a supplier which will sell the materials. I will also be working on my preliminary presentation for the purpose project, a slideshow now needed for Friday the twenty-ninth.

Image result for google sketchup

Purpose Project Blog Post #6

This week I did not accomplish anything in regards to my project. I had wanted to use the software on my 3D printer to model how I would go about connecting the parts and finding the correct dimensions for the different parts of the cane.

Image result for CADlogo

Although I had originally planned to do this with an engineering notebook and paper, I decided that it would be less legible and might interfere with my ability to accurately model the cane. Do to this I am no longer going to use a paper version, but rather keep it all electronic.  Currently I am thinking that the most effective way to connect the three different parts of the cane would be to thread the parts and screw them together. This is because it is the least likely to give out and is able to come apart if needed.

example of threaded locking

Another idea I have for the connecting is to make small holes in the parts that can overlap, allowing me to screw them together with a nut and bolt.While all of this is subject to change and I will try my best to improve on it, I believe that this is what I will use.


Purpose Project Blog Post #5

During this week I got done my sketches for the cane. I wrote a list of materials that I would need to build it and I wrote out how I thought I could combine the different parts of the cane (the handle, shaft, and bottom). Currently I am thinking about threading it so it screws together but I would have to find a way to do this with the materials and tools I have access to. Am idea I had was to 3D print a connector but then I would have the issue of the connector potentially coming off or breaking, making the purpose of the cane backfire and potentially hurt my grandmother.

Image result for threaded connector

Next week I am planning to find a way to connect the three parts of the cane and potentially see if I can 3D print the connector I will use to do so. I will also use the chart I got and ask my grandmother what her height is to determine what the proper height of the cane should be. I will also need to determine the ratio for how large the handle, bottom and shaft should be to each other.

Purpose Project Blog Post #4

This week I have obtained the last two of my required annotated sources.



The first source address the issue of the best way to use a cane. It says that you should use the cane on the opposite side of your body from your bad leg. This is because the bad leg and cane would move at once, creating a more stable walk. The second source also addresses the best type of handle for arthritis. While I had sources relating to the best type of handle I had not looked at it with arthritis in mind. One of the most highly recommended handles was a fritz handle

I also talked to my grandmother over the phone and got some important information. She said that I should be careful with the weight and grip of the cane, since she has very bad arthritis and a bad grip or heavy weight would make the cane very difficult and ineffective to use for her and people with similar conditions.

I also told her about some new ideas I had for the cane and we narrowed them down a bit. Currently I am looking at just including keys in the cane to prevent it from being lost at home or at another area you’re leaving, adding medicine to it to make it unnecessary to get up and search it out when you remember, or adding a beeper to the cane that you could trigger in order to find it.

Next week I am going to do more research to address the questions of how to correct the weight, how to add a compartment without sacrificing too much of the cane’s integrity, and I am going to gather more information from cane users.

Purpose Project Blog Post #3

This week I had done a bit of research. I went and completed my first two annotated sources. The two sources I did were both electronic, meaning that I needed to include a critical annotation to confirm the validity of the source. So far, I am very happy with the two sources I have chosen.



I have also informed my mother of the empathy chart and she gave me other ideas for the cane. For instance, instead of having a cane that could transport medicine, I could replace that with a cane that could carry the keys to the car. This was what my mother recommended to me because once my grandmother got into the car, drove to her destination and started getting out when she realized she didn’t have her cane. Since she was already there she got out carefully and started to walk, only to have her knee give out and she broke her wrist. This would hopefully prevent this from happening in the future.

This next week I am going to talk to my grandparents to get their input as well as finish collecting my annotated sources. All I need to do is make sure one of my final two sources is a periodical (a newspaper or book).


Purpose Project Blog Post #2

This week I followed your feedback and asked my family about the idea of creating a cane for my grandmother. They all thought that it was a good idea and they said I should pursue it. As for research, I looked up how high a cane is supposed to be in comparison to someone’s height.

Image result for ideal ratio for the diameter of a cane

Luckily, it is an even half with about an inch margin of error. Knowing this I will be able to find the correct height of the cane. I also found that the 3D printer’s software was very intuitive and reminded me of CAD. It has many similar tools, and because of my previous use with the program last year during my engineering class I am hoping to pick it up quite quickly. My father and I also went out in order to find the plastic used in the printer. Right now we are thinking about using a black color.

One complication that I have found is that the 3D printer is only able to print parts a few inches long. This could become a big problem and I would have to find ways around it to make lager parts (things like the handle if I am unable to obtain them elsewhere). Currently I am thinking about printing multiple smaller pieces that are able to lock together like a jigsaw.

Purpose Project Blog #1

When I first heard about the purpose project I was not very excited for it. I thought that it would be like any other school project where we had to do something unique and present it to the class. I never liked these projects because they were very open-ended and I was always nervous that my project would be graded poorly. Now though, we have given criteria but we are able to go about them any way we want, creating a balance between the two extremes. This said, I have a few ideas as to what I should do. Firstly, I would want to learn basic coding and figure out how to set up a website. With this website I would try to make it so that it isn’t just another random domain with no purpose but rather one that can help others help. However, this is not my main idea and is not as developed as the one I am leaning towards. What I am currently thinking of doing is creating a cane for my grandmother that is able to store her medicines in a convenient way. I want to do this because my grandmother recently had a knee replacement and she has to take may prescriptions. This often makes it so that she has to go upstairs to where they keep her medicine, and she has gotten hurt on that flight of stairs before. With this cane however, she could merely reach over and get her medicine without the risk of injury or the pain from using the knee.