Purpose Project Blog #7-Feedback Synthesis

What Feedback Was I Given?

This week I presented my purpose project to two people and had one outside observer who agreed with the feedback given to me by one of the people I presented to. I was told that I needed to develop my intro and motivation for the project. They said that it was bland and that though they knew it was for my grandmother it didn’t allow for them to relate with me, the presenter. Another piece of advice that I was given was to elaborate more on how I was going to go about the physical construction of the cane.

Image result for build

How Will This Affect My Project?

Now that I have this feedback, I am going to focus far more on the physical construction and motivation for my project. To get more in depth with the physical construction aspect of my project I will do research on how to thread aluminum at home and see which machines I will need. If I find that I cannot do this threading procedure then I will see if any suppliers for aluminum will be able to sell pre-threaded tubes.

Image result for threaded aluminum tube

Where Am I?

Frankly, I believe that I am starting to fall behind. I am going to have to work hard to get ahead again. I will do research on the physical construction of the cane, try to find a supplier, and update my 3D model accordingly.

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